Peter in Kent

Peter lives in Kent, Southeast England and has been a Doctor Who enthusiast since he first learned to talk. His earliest memory being the last Jon Pertwee season at the tender age of four. Tom Baker was the Doctor of Peter's youth, and as with many of us the regeneration you grew up with is "The Doctor".

His Collection has been featured on This Morning, BBC South East, ITV's Daybreak and Meridian News. He has also featured in a SFX Doctor Who Special magazine where he was crowned 'The Ultimate Doctor Who Superfan'.

Peter prizes his two oil paintings that were once owned by Tom Baker and featured in the 'Who On Earth is Tom Baker' Reeltime video. They are totally unique and a nice item from the Baker household.

 Just look at this impressive highlight list from Peter's collection


· Elisabeth Sladens costume from The Sarah Jane Adventures

· Tom Bakers Brogues from The 4th Drs Costume

· Full Size Tardis Console from the Longleat/Blackpool exhibitions 

· Edwin Hall Dalek kiddie ride

·  Tom Bakers socks from the June Hudson costume 

·  2 Tom Baker Oil Paintings from Toms documentary

·  Four Full Sized Daleks

·  Full size Davros

·  Full size Tardis and additional Tardis front

·  Full size Tom Baker

·  Two full sized Cybermen, one of which is a BBC Original

·  Full size K-9

·  Original Screen used Earthshock Cyberman gun

·  One of the two Davros fingers that were shot off in 'Revelation Of The Daleks' signed by Terry Molloy.


You can find Peter on message board as PeterDalek

Peter can be contacted by Email Peter

Enjoy this small sample of
Peter's Collection

SFX Magazine Doctor Who Special November 2011
Elisabeth Sladens Costume from The Sarah Jane Adventures pilot Invasion of the Bane
Sarah Jane Costume
Close up of the Bally ponyskin boots and of the costume.
Tardis Console from the Longleat/Blackpool exhibitions
Longleat / Blackpool Exhibition Dalek
Console & Full size Tom
Edwin Hall Dalek Kiddie Ride
This Planet Earth New Series Dalek
Full size replica of the 4th Doctor & Tardis
Full Size Davros and Daleks
A visit from Cy Town (Dalek Operator 1973-1989)
Full Size Tardis, Cybermen and K9
Bally Doctor Who Pinball Machine & Doctor Who Fruit Machine
Pair of socks from Tom Bakers Costume
Toms Shoes On Display
Replica of 4th Doctor head in Meglos and Other Tom head
The Tom Baker Display Cabinet
RT Cover presented to Tom Baker
Davros Finger
Original Cyberman gun from Earthshock & original BBC 5th Drs celery
Very Large Collection of 1970s Toys
Tardises of various shades & sizes
The Mask Wall
Original Artwork from the 1983 K9 Annual
Tom Baker Wall bust
Me dressed in my cyberman costume photographed by professional photographer Steve Schofield
SFX Photoshoot 2011 Dr Who Special
Tom Bakers Coat
Tom Bakers novel The Boy Who Kicked Pigs in every language and format.
The Edwin Hall Dalek Kiddie Ride

Peter can be contacted by Email Peter
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Peter in Kent and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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